Sunday, May 10, 2009

I like the sound of the ocean crashing, Waves making their way to the beach

Remember those big plans of mine for the weekend?
They didn't happen.

Instead I spent my time alternating between beach bum and geek. Overall a great weekend!

George and I decided to check out a Korean movie theatre on Friday night and see Star Trek. The Korean theatre experience was pretty similar to the movies back home. The most exciting difference is that you choose your exact seat in the theatre when you buy your tickets, but this was totally unnecessary since there were less then 10 other people in the theatre! The big Hollywood blockbusters are shown in English with Korean subtitles, so understanding was not an issue. There were your regular movie theatre snacks ... popcorn, nachos etc, but also some dried squid, and $2 beer for sale at the concession stand. The movie itself was great, I was surprised that I enjoyed it so much. Maybe because my favourite tv bad guy Sylar (aka Zachary Quinto) was Spock?

Saturday I woke up to perfect beach conditions so decided that a beach day was in order. I was also anxious to test out my new bikinis. When I'd had all the sun I could handle I walked the short distance to the Grand Hotel for another swim. Again, only did about 1.5km, but I'm blaming the sun exposure!

Instead of the wild partying of last weekend we decided to have a low-key Saturday night and bought a puzzle from E-Mart ... so nerdy. I don't think I've ever done a full 1000 piece puzzle before, should be interesting to see if we ever get it finished, or if it remains on our coffee table forever.

My race on Sunday didn't happen, after all the confusion I didn't get registered before the deadline - boooo. Need to find another race and get signed up immediately. The one I tried t sign up for in June has been cancelled due to lack of participation so I'll keep looking.

Erin and I went for a run on Sunday morning anyways, then hit the beach again. When it's sunny and 22 what else is there to do?! My 2nd beach day was followed by yet another trip to the movies. This time to see Wolverine ... mainly because the love of my life, Taylor Kitsch is in it. Overall, kind of a lame movie, but I love TK!

And that my friends was my weekend.

Plans for this week include a trip to the English bookstore in Busan, teachers volleyball followed by staff dinner, and possibly checking out a Korean language class.

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