Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Sitting, waiting, wishing

Welcome to my Korea blog! I made the decision to venture into the world of blogging soon after deciding to spend a year of my life teaching English in South Korea. It's a great way to share my stories, adventures and pictures with everyone at home in Canada without clogging inboxes with countless emails. While doing some research into teaching in Korea I discovered tons of blogs written by people like me. I like to think that the countless hours I've spent reading them have helped me to become more informed, influenced my decisions about where I'm teaching and will alleviate at least some of the shock of immersing myself in a culture I know nothing about. 
With this blog I hope to chronicle the adventures of myself and my boyfriend, George as we embark on our year long journey in South Korea. 
We have applied through Think Big  recruiting agency to teach elementary aged students in the public school system through a government program called EPIK. We are to be living and working in Busan, in the southern part of Korea, the 2nd biggest city after Seoul. I don't think my life in Peterborough or Waterloo have prepared me for the almost 4 million people in Busan, so it should be an interesting transition. If you're curious about where I'm going to be spending my year, you can either google or wikipedia "Busan".
So for those of you who have been tracking my progress from the beginning, I'm sure you're as frustrated as I am. The preparation and application process has taken months! We have been at a standstill since before Christmas waiting on George's degree and transcripts from Laurier, and then for a notice of appointment from our employers in Korea. We finally received word last night that our notice of appointment letters (which we need to apply for Korean Visa's) are in the mail! I am waiting patiently for it to arrive. Once that happens I can apply for a visa, book a ticket and head to Korea. Please let this happen quickly. If I hear " so when are you going to know when you're leaving?" one more time I might go crazy! 

Stay tuned to find out when we are taking off! Did I mention that I can't wait to get to Korea??!!

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